The goal of the CGAL Open Source Project is to provide
easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms
in the form of a C++ library.
CGAL is used in various areas needing geometric computation, such as:
computer graphics, scientific visualization, computer aided design and
modeling, geographic information systems, molecular biology, medical imaging,
robotics and motion planning, mesh generation, numerical methods...
More on the projects using CGAL web page.
The CGAL Project uses Web 3.14 technology to make CGAL users more productive,
and this far beyond just getting the programming job done.
Tag Cloud
Simply forget wading through the lengthy CGAL Package Overview,
but simply have a look at the CGAL tag cloud. It reflects 10 years of user access patterns, and features the 50
pages looked up by 86.2% of our visitors.
Social Networks
Websites without Facebook's "Like" or Google's "+1" button will end up with a Google page rank of zero.
Starting from today, you can recommend CGAL from plenty of social networks.
In the next release we will roll out the "Like" button to every chapter of the CGAL User and Reference Manual.
You will see who else likes "Algebraic Foundations".
Interested to see what we currently work on? Follow us on
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Internet Relay Chat, Skype Screensharing
The CGAL Project enters a new era. So far you could only reach us via the cgal-discuss mailing list.
In the next days we will open the CGAL IRC channel. Additionally, you will see the skype online status of the
CGAL developers listed on the Project Members page. Speak to them
directly when you hit a bug, and even show them the stacktrace in Visual Sudio using skype screensharing.
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You are a Fortran programmer and you find that Barne Stroustroup's book on C++ has too many pages? You are not alone.
The CGAL Project has teamed up with Amazon and worked out the Listmania list of Must Have Books for Mastering CGAL.
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You have a commercial license for the CGAL Range and Segment Tree package
and you want to resell it, as it turned out that what you really need is an AABB tree?
The CGAL Project has teamed up with Ebay, to make it easier for you to
sell components you no longer need.
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Centre Pompidou
Most people only associate triangulations with the word "Delaunay".
The CGAL Project offers 10 Day Passes for the Museum of Modern Art in the
Centre Pompidou in Paris,
which will allow you to learn more about not only
Sonia Delaunay,
but also about Pablo Voronoi, and Vladimir Minkowski.
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CGAL users are often nerds, make jokes about the curiously recursive template pattern, and have a hard time to make friends.
The CGAL Project teamed up with Parship in order to find the partner
for your life.
Parship uses higher dimensional CGAL Voronoi diagrams to identify people with strong affinities.
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